Thursday, August 8, 2019

To comprehensively and effectively address the environmental impacts of computing/IT, we must adopt a holistic approach and make the entire IT life cycle greener by addressing environmental sustainability along the four following complementary paths:
Green use
Intelligent use of energy and information systems. Reducing the energy consumption of computers and other information systems as well as using them in an environmentally sound manner.
Green disposal
Reduction of waste, reuse and refurbishment of hardware and recycling of out of use peripherals and other items. Refurbishing and reusing of old computers and properly recycling of unwanted computers and other electronics equipment.
Green design
Efficient design of data centres and workstations. Designing energy- efficient and environmentally sound components, computers, servers, cooling equipment and data centres. 
Green manufacturing
Informed purchasing of components, peripherals and equipment manufactured with the environment in mind. Manufacturing electronic components, computers and other associated subsystems with minimal impact on the environment.

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I think the course is already perfect and doesnt need any improvements.